#3 Angie Caro 9/24/2020

I have really been enjoying this class for the past couple of weeks. I find the different short stories super interesting and at some point in the story, I feel that I can relate to a character in some way. The personal narrative we are writing now is extremely fun! We got to read the work of our peers and I got to learn something new about my partner and about her life. I really connected to her and her experiences because she spoke about changes in her life and brought up an important topic that we all connect to, which was the global pandemic. I find this narrative as a way to express something not many people know about you. While I was writing my draft, I felt some type of emotion and I reminded myself of all the bad situations I had been through. But then as I poured out my feelings to this piece of paper, I felt as if I let go a heavy weight. For a long time I wanted to talk about my pain and my thoughts and my experiences and through this assignment I was able to do that and it made me feel free. I feel so relieved and I felt super comfortable talking about horrific moments of my life with my peers and professor. I honestly find this class full of respectful, kind, and trustworthy people!

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